Yo yo!

Well kinda slow update again. It's only 1 day left on SAAB :( I have to find a new job A.S.A.P :O I wont write a long and boring text like I usually do. I will instead upload a great clip from Japan with a hologram artist.

Hatsune Miku - World is mine (Live)

I'm back!

Hello there! It's been a while since I last uppdated, but it will be change now! I have been spending time with my girlfriend so I haven't had time to blog. For the last 6 months have I been working at SAAB automobile. But unfortunely I will have to go 22th of December :( 

But life doesn't end just because I loose my job! :) It is always up and down times with SAAB xD Anyway, I will probably start to shuffle serious again when I wont have my job so I can do something in the middle of the day when I am not looking for a new job :) Well well, take care for now and I will write more tomorrow. Peace!

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