Resurrection of Jens Nielsen's blog!

Detta inlägget kommer ej va på engelska som de tidigare var! Var kul att jag hittade denna gammla bloggen, lite som en dagbok faktiskt med awesome minnen. Ska ta och försöka börja igen så att man har något som påminner en om vad man gjort! :D Som vanligt tänker jag ladda up klipp från tuben för att förmedla några som är ure awesomeness inom sina områden!

Dagens Shuffle från Sverige: Linnea är den bästa shufflaren just nu i Sverige :) Hennes unika stil gör det så awesome. Shuffle Queen of Sweden! :D

Dagens Låt: Så underbar låt som är från "Rackartygarnas" Free Running video! :D Man blir alldeles varm i kroppen av den :) För er som inte vet vilka Rackartygarna är besök "". De är ett gäng killar som håller på med extrem sporter! Enjoy!

Nu va det klart! Känns skönt att förmedla ädel konst till er som slösat er tid och checkat inlägget! :D

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen

I'm slow!

I'm having all time in the world but I forget to update! I'm gonna try to update everytime my girlfriend is updating her blog.
I've been searching for a job. And I hope that I will get a job soon cause it's a little bit boring to sit home all day. When the spring comes I will begin to shuffle serious again! And i'm gonna update a lot better then with a lot of photos and videos :)
A pic from last summer :)

Take care now, bye bye then!

Yo yo!

Well kinda slow update again. It's only 1 day left on SAAB :( I have to find a new job A.S.A.P :O I wont write a long and boring text like I usually do. I will instead upload a great clip from Japan with a hologram artist.

Hatsune Miku - World is mine (Live)

I'm back!

Hello there! It's been a while since I last uppdated, but it will be change now! I have been spending time with my girlfriend so I haven't had time to blog. For the last 6 months have I been working at SAAB automobile. But unfortunely I will have to go 22th of December :( 

But life doesn't end just because I loose my job! :) It is always up and down times with SAAB xD Anyway, I will probably start to shuffle serious again when I wont have my job so I can do something in the middle of the day when I am not looking for a new job :) Well well, take care for now and I will write more tomorrow. Peace!

Resurrection (a)

Ok blog, it's been a while. Actually it has been one hell of a time since I last updated :O I haven't figured out yet if I should write a long and borig text or if I should just upload more videos than I usually do :D 

Anyway these last two months have been great. Spending time with my girlfriend, hangin out with friends etc. BUT I haven't been out shuffling :( I know I know...i'm an idiot. But I promise that I will get out and shuffle more. Especially when my friend from "Uppsala" gets down here. I think you know who I am talking about, yes it's my "EnisoShuffleLikeHiltzyAndAbsolutelyLooksLikeHiltzy"-plug :D It will be a couple of really great days with much shuffle and laughter :)

What's going to happen today during sunlight, I have no idea xD But I will play Volleyball with a couple of friends and my girlfriend in the afternoon. It will be awsuuuuum (I can spell Awesome, it's just a thing I do.....never mind ;D)

Ok ladies and yellow sponges you know what time it is. So i've figured out know what i'm going to do. I will promote one of my friends shuffle vid and upload some regular random vids from the tube. First out will be all of the promoted vids :) 

Sponken is a friend of mine in Gothenburg. He is a good shuffler that got a really nice progress. He went from nothing to this in no time at all :) Thumbs up my man :)

Now to the regular vids I have no idea which shuffler I should choose :D you can't brb on a blog. I'm just going to look around on youtube first ;D

Ok i've found my first vid and it's one of the Newcastle Rockers vid :D They are extremely good shufflers that I think have inspired many shufflers around the world. Enjoy!

I will now upload three old videos from Len :) One of the guys at " (Which is a great site with alot of videos and some merchandise, check it out).

First song: Dj Isaac - One The Edge

Second vid song name: Busy & The Scientist - Rested

The last vids song name: Mike Phobos - Cross Over (DJ Slideout Remix)

Ok so this is it for now. I hope that i'll remember to update more this time, peace!

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen

Yo yo yo :)

Sry that I didn't updated more yesterday :) But I wasn't at a computer for the whole day. Because I didn't updated more than I should, I will upload two great Trance songs by Patrick Bunton :) Will write more later, peace!

Patrick Bunton - Young Birds

Patrick Bunton - Here I Am

"Here I am" got a music video so check it out if you wanna feel the music completely ;)

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen

Hello! :D

Ohayoo! :D Sitting by the comp, chillin. I'm so bored because sweetheart are @ school :( But atleast it's sunny today! It's wonderful! Right,aye? :D I wont write very long because this will just be a simple morning update ;) But you will atleast get a great Hardstyle song in the end ;) Later on I am going to pick up my girlfriend and go the gym and after the gym I will go to "Vargön" and maybe buy a Bass to the car :3 But enough of me ! I will now go and get the code from youtube so I can upload the song I was talking about ;)

Headhunterz - Rock Civilization

Comment: Omgosh you really get an eargasm from this one. Headhunterz ain't very high on my playlist mostly. But the old tunes are freakin awesome. You just gotta love em :) Turn up the volume and freakin enjoy this one! Peace

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen


I am always forgetting about the blog :/ I know that some people think my blog is really nice. I'm sorry that i'm not very active. But I will try to get more active :O I haven't been up to very much lately. Because i've been spending time with a very important person <3 

I haven't planned very much for today. After I have written this new segment to the blog I think I am going to go and sleep again(a) Around 3:20 PM, I am going to meet up with my girlfriend and go to the gym. Finally I am able to start serious training again! :) I wasn't able to start earlier because I catched a cold all the time xD But enough of me! Lets go to what this blog really is about ;D Because i've been very inactive lately, I am going to upload some older hardstyle and shuffle videos so you can really enjoy your visit on the blog :)

Speedwave - Zhangar (Builder Remix)

A-Lusion - Perfect it

KAT - Gimme Da Bass (A-Lusion Remix)

Comment on the songs: These songs really go back in the world of Hardstyle. They are really awesome, so turn up the volume on your selected play device and enjoy these awesome Hardstyle tunes!

Now to a couple of older Melbourne Shuffle videos. I have chosen my idol Mikki and another shuffler named Francis to represent ;D


Mikki Songs:

1. Mindkillerz - Make It Ruff (Original Mix)
2. Cally & Juice - Analogic
3. Psy Man - Backbiter
4. Organ Donors - 99.9


Francis song: Dark Oscillators - Stereophobia

Comment: Now that you've seen em you know what standard the shufflers had a couple of years ago! :D They are so awesome. Remember! "Shuffle to express, not impress" :)

Note: If you are able to live like the guys in Hardstyle Republic, then you are allowed to impress a bit more ;)

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen

And again...

Haha omgosh im slow at updating ;D It's not my fault that I am stupid (a) Haha no i'm just kidding. It's because I cant get enough of my beautiful girlfriend (Love ya <3) :) I will try to update more ;) Well back to some blog stuff, I hope I am able to go to Showtek in Copenhagen next month because that would be really awesome! They better diss FTS because that song is really worn out by all 14 years old girls who think that they know exactly everything about Hardstyle because they listen to that song (pathetic).

I haven't been up for much lately. I am not able to party so much because almost all events are on Fridays and I have work on Fridays :( I could've went on a birthdayparty-rave-thingy today but I didn't know that it was planned for today so I couldn't go :( I miss those guys so much in k-torp. I have to go see them some upcoming weekend <3

As always I will upload a song and a shuffle video in this chapter ;D Let me just find wait....aah there we go :)

Dj Yoshiro - Resistance is Futile

Some random comment: This is a really heavy bass. Feels like my body is havin an orgasm everytime I feel it omgosh :D Enjoy damnit ! ^^ P.S Maybe you noticed that this is the song from the second shuffle clip with Ryu in the last segment of my blog ;)

Moonboy's first shuffle vid

Comment: I really wanted to upload this one because it reminds me of when I first started to shuffle. That it is all about havin fun and listen to really good music. You should really enjoy this clip because this old school hardstyle is so freakin awesome. The new Hardstyle is nothing compared to these awesome songs. I think many of you agree with me? ;) Haha again, ENJOY!

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen

Oops I did it again :$

Haha I forgot about the blog. Yes yes I know, I am kinda retarded ;) This weekend were really great, spended most of the time with my girlfriend that are absolutely wonderful but she keeps telling me the opposite. But she is so wrong! ^^ It was a really fun day yesterday, because we went out to shuffle. It was quite a while since I last shuffled :( But it will chaaaaaange ;D I don't got very much to write about but I will try to remember the blog omgosh :) Because I forgot about you people I will upload a bunch of videos from Ryu's shuffle clip collection ;) Take care

Comments on the clip: I don't know the songs on the shuffle vids. So you guys just enjoy the awesome clips by Ryu ;D peace!

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen


Konnichiwa! Time for an update I guess ;D Today I haven't done nothing at all :) But later on I am going to drive my dad to "Vargön". After that I have no idea what I am going to do ^^ Any suggestions? Well, just because it is Boris birthday in like 25 days I will upload his favourite clip @ Youtube. (hmm...not haha ^^).

Description: This a famous korean disco dance called "Bokko". Some of you may think that this looks silly. But I think it's awesome when you look at how fast they are moving their arms and legs :D Enjoy 

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen


Kind of tired today. Yesterday was totally fucked up everyone argued and were really pissed...

But it feels better today. Hopefully I wont be angry today :/ But nvm about that, you shouldn't read about how I feel. That's not fun at all :D So I am going to think about something I can post from youtube :D While I am doing that I can tell you all what I will be up to today. Right now I am with Bernt and later on I think Lina will be on her way over here. We'll see what we are going to do :) Maybe play Guitar Hero and then go to Anton's place :D I will update later on today so I will upload a nice Melbourne Shuffle clip for now ;)

Description: This is a really good clip from a Singapore shuffle meet. They are brilliant as usual, their styles may not be unique but you can see how much they enjoy the dance. That really makes me happy :D Enjoy <3

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen

Hello...what's up and YO!

I haven't uploaded anything on the blog on a while because I thought that it wasn't read by anyone :$ But it turned out to be readers ^^ So I will keep update some random shit as usual (a) And perhaps Lina will learn something from it (a). 

I have no idea what I am going to write about this time. But I must say that I am REALLY excited to go to Boris party, 27 February :D It gonna be awesome, meet all k-torp people and shuffle like a madman all night :D Well enough said about that awesome party :D Because I don't wanna think about it too much because it is a WHOLE month until the party ;)

What I am up to right now is "The installation progress of Sony Vegas Video" ;D I gonna learn how to use that damn software to edit my own videos so I can finally get Nina's dedication complete :O I have no idea what I am going to do later. Anyone wanna play with me? :) Just call me @ 911. Nah i'm just kidding, you got my number ;) Ok it's time for the end of this segment :D Please be patient until I update the blog next time ;) As usual I will upload a shuffle video and perhaps a nice song ;) peace...

Karpe-DM - STOMP (2007 Battle Mix)

N.E.R.D Shaf & Ryu

Description about the uploaded stuff: Karpe-DM is a proud DJ of PHD :O This is an excellent "pretty old" song and yes it is the song from the video. But you might wanted to ask me afterwards what's the name of the song is :D And to the clip. "Shaf & Ryu" have shuffled for quite a while now. They got really nice styles both of them. Notice that Shaf got his own unique style? You should, because it's freakin awesome ;) Enjoy! :D

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen

Yo yo and hmm yo!

Right now i am sitting alone in my step brothers apartment and watching some shuffling @ Youtube. Is is kind of fun but the rest sucks :D I have nothing to do :P I was looking for a job for like 3 hours and 50minutes today. So i am going back to Sweden over the weekend and keep looking for a job from there. I have to get one quick or else i have to stay in Sweden with no money -.-

Oslo is a nice city though. The one thing that creeps me out are all the heroin on the streets. They share needles in the middle of the day on the street. HATE DRUGS xD I wanna get a job in Oslo so i can afford to go to Sydney and Melbourne sometime! :( Well i wont bother you with my writing anymore ;D So i just gonna post a Shuffle meet up in Singapore where they are fucking prodigies :O

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen


Hi ppl, what are you all up too? :D I know what i am up to atleast xD I've been eating sugar and drinking sugar like a fucking madman and i am so high on sugar right now haha. I've been at a LAN @ Kronlid for a couple of days :) Been gaming and searching for a job in Norway. I ain't gonna write a very long post today just gonna tell you about my little sugar evening :) I will atleast post a nice shuffle clip :D Take care ppl <3

Hardstyle Republic

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen


Jens Nielsen

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