Resurrection (a)

Ok blog, it's been a while. Actually it has been one hell of a time since I last updated :O I haven't figured out yet if I should write a long and borig text or if I should just upload more videos than I usually do :D 

Anyway these last two months have been great. Spending time with my girlfriend, hangin out with friends etc. BUT I haven't been out shuffling :( I know I know...i'm an idiot. But I promise that I will get out and shuffle more. Especially when my friend from "Uppsala" gets down here. I think you know who I am talking about, yes it's my "EnisoShuffleLikeHiltzyAndAbsolutelyLooksLikeHiltzy"-plug :D It will be a couple of really great days with much shuffle and laughter :)

What's going to happen today during sunlight, I have no idea xD But I will play Volleyball with a couple of friends and my girlfriend in the afternoon. It will be awsuuuuum (I can spell Awesome, it's just a thing I do.....never mind ;D)

Ok ladies and yellow sponges you know what time it is. So i've figured out know what i'm going to do. I will promote one of my friends shuffle vid and upload some regular random vids from the tube. First out will be all of the promoted vids :) 

Sponken is a friend of mine in Gothenburg. He is a good shuffler that got a really nice progress. He went from nothing to this in no time at all :) Thumbs up my man :)

Now to the regular vids I have no idea which shuffler I should choose :D you can't brb on a blog. I'm just going to look around on youtube first ;D

Ok i've found my first vid and it's one of the Newcastle Rockers vid :D They are extremely good shufflers that I think have inspired many shufflers around the world. Enjoy!

I will now upload three old videos from Len :) One of the guys at " (Which is a great site with alot of videos and some merchandise, check it out).

First song: Dj Isaac - One The Edge

Second vid song name: Busy & The Scientist - Rested

The last vids song name: Mike Phobos - Cross Over (DJ Slideout Remix)

Ok so this is it for now. I hope that i'll remember to update more this time, peace!

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen

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