
Kind of tired today. Yesterday was totally fucked up everyone argued and were really pissed...

But it feels better today. Hopefully I wont be angry today :/ But nvm about that, you shouldn't read about how I feel. That's not fun at all :D So I am going to think about something I can post from youtube :D While I am doing that I can tell you all what I will be up to today. Right now I am with Bernt and later on I think Lina will be on her way over here. We'll see what we are going to do :) Maybe play Guitar Hero and then go to Anton's place :D I will update later on today so I will upload a nice Melbourne Shuffle clip for now ;)

Description: This is a really good clip from a Singapore shuffle meet. They are brilliant as usual, their styles may not be unique but you can see how much they enjoy the dance. That really makes me happy :D Enjoy <3

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen

Postat av: suwiiku / isabelle

jens, jag finns här för dig även om det inte är ngt just nu. Men du kan alltid prata med mig!:)

2010-01-31 @ 20:13:01
URL: http://suwiiku.blogg.se/

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