Yo yo and hmm yo!

Right now i am sitting alone in my step brothers apartment and watching some shuffling @ Youtube. Is is kind of fun but the rest sucks :D I have nothing to do :P I was looking for a job for like 3 hours and 50minutes today. So i am going back to Sweden over the weekend and keep looking for a job from there. I have to get one quick or else i have to stay in Sweden with no money -.-

Oslo is a nice city though. The one thing that creeps me out are all the heroin on the streets. They share needles in the middle of the day on the street. HATE DRUGS xD I wanna get a job in Oslo so i can afford to go to Sydney and Melbourne sometime! :( Well i wont bother you with my writing anymore ;D So i just gonna post a Shuffle meet up in Singapore where they are fucking prodigies :O

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen


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