And again...

Haha omgosh im slow at updating ;D It's not my fault that I am stupid (a) Haha no i'm just kidding. It's because I cant get enough of my beautiful girlfriend (Love ya <3) :) I will try to update more ;) Well back to some blog stuff, I hope I am able to go to Showtek in Copenhagen next month because that would be really awesome! They better diss FTS because that song is really worn out by all 14 years old girls who think that they know exactly everything about Hardstyle because they listen to that song (pathetic).

I haven't been up for much lately. I am not able to party so much because almost all events are on Fridays and I have work on Fridays :( I could've went on a birthdayparty-rave-thingy today but I didn't know that it was planned for today so I couldn't go :( I miss those guys so much in k-torp. I have to go see them some upcoming weekend <3

As always I will upload a song and a shuffle video in this chapter ;D Let me just find wait....aah there we go :)

Dj Yoshiro - Resistance is Futile

Some random comment: This is a really heavy bass. Feels like my body is havin an orgasm everytime I feel it omgosh :D Enjoy damnit ! ^^ P.S Maybe you noticed that this is the song from the second shuffle clip with Ryu in the last segment of my blog ;)

Moonboy's first shuffle vid

Comment: I really wanted to upload this one because it reminds me of when I first started to shuffle. That it is all about havin fun and listen to really good music. You should really enjoy this clip because this old school hardstyle is so freakin awesome. The new Hardstyle is nothing compared to these awesome songs. I think many of you agree with me? ;) Haha again, ENJOY!

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen


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