Oops I did it again :$

Haha I forgot about the blog. Yes yes I know, I am kinda retarded ;) This weekend were really great, spended most of the time with my girlfriend that are absolutely wonderful but she keeps telling me the opposite. But she is so wrong! ^^ It was a really fun day yesterday, because we went out to shuffle. It was quite a while since I last shuffled :( But it will chaaaaaange ;D I don't got very much to write about but I will try to remember the blog omgosh :) Because I forgot about you people I will upload a bunch of videos from Ryu's shuffle clip collection ;) Take care

Comments on the clip: I don't know the songs on the shuffle vids. So you guys just enjoy the awesome clips by Ryu ;D peace!

// It's cool to be a nerd, be proud! - Jens Nielsen


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